Sunday, November 4, 2007

My the last vacation with my bestfriends♡

I have three people of best friends. Their names are Bo-Ra, Jung-Eun, Jung-A and our friend ship has begun since 1994.
It’s already for more than 14 years…! Before I came to Canada, I went on a trip with my best friends for 2days. It was short, I thought, but we enjoyed and made valuable remembrance a lot. Unfortunately, Jung-Eun couldn’t go together because of her work. We took a bus from Seoul to An-Myon Do for three hours. The An-Myon Do is west of Korea and there are many great villas and a few seas. There is popular by vacation place because you can dig out shellfish when the ebb time at sea then eat, and you can also eat slices of raw. So we chose the An-Myon Do.
We stayed in a villa named “Happy Valley.” The villa was really nice and beautiful especially a room! We loved the room so we took a lot of pictures there. When we arrived the villa we were hungry so we cooked a Kim-Chi fan fried then ate it. Have you tried it? It’s so delicious and it’s a one of my favorite Korean food. I’ll cook for you guys someday. Anyway, then, we went to the seaside for buying shellfish. It was the early spring so we couldn’t into the sea but we were happy because we saw the sea!! We ate the shellfish, pork and sausages with alcohol. I know those were not match but we were hungry a lot. HaHa. Those were extremely delicious so we ate all stuff! The next day we went to the sea once more and came back home. I think vacations are always happy with friends. In this time I’m missing my friends very much…


Sawako said...

Hi Vicky^^
I wanna stay at "Happy Valley" It's so lovely, isn't it? We should go there some day! Sound good??
Well it snows, so I gave up to go shopping... I planned to go to Deer Foot Mall with my friend. Have u ever been there?
Anyway, You'll visit my place tomorrow! I'm looking forward to seeing u ☆

Vicky~* said...

Sure~! We can try together! If you visit Korea. haha. I have no idea about Deer foot mall.. Could you bring me there please?^^

Haruka said...

Hello Vicky,
Your pictures are very sweet!!I have never seen the cute room as your pictures.I really want to eat korean food which you cook☆(^_^)
You have great friends.I hope next time you can go traveling with your three best friends.
See you tomorrow♪"

Anonymous said...

여기에서 한글로 남겨도 되는거니...?

Vicky~* said...

hum...I'm not sure.. Because it's kind of study in readin&writing class so.. haha. And here are many Korean students. hahaha. Anyway, Bora! Thanks for writing^^

Haruka! I'll cook some korean food for you some day!^^

Anonymous said...

그러든 말든 나는 한글로 남길테다 ㅎ

Kevin said...

Is that really you?

you had gone beach before came to canada!wow~looked good..
In contrast to,i had gone a mountain in yang-pyoung..

are you really good at cook??
it is also incredible!!!

Vicky~* said...

Good job, Eun! haha.

Why don't you believe that?!
Come here!!
I think, I'v never been to Yang-Pyung except ski place. How was it?
Anyway, thanks for writing^^

Anonymous said...

ㅎㅎ역시 양파 당당해^-^
민쥬야 보고파~
거기서 눈 내리는거 마니찍어줘
이사준비잘하고 따뜻한곳으로 간다니
다행이다 ㅋ

Kevin said...


I just did the smae thing that you had done on my mean there..kk
kind of revenge??ㅡㅡ;;

yang-pyoung is so great!!
my family's mountain in there~
so nice place!!
you should go there~

let me advertise my uncle's natural recration forest..

kk i'm sorry~

Moni said...

Hi Vicky!! its wonderful to travel with our bestfriends. It was nice that you did before you came here because its hard to be separated to your friends and family. I want to travel with my friend too, but i only have done a big trip once. Because of the time, its complicated to organized a good one and try that everybody go.

Vicky~* said...

I miss you BORA so much...ㅜ.ㅜ

Kevin! Is the recreation place really your uncle's? Wow cool~
If I do there could I D.C?haha
I reallt wanna try surviver game and gar tuff!!!

Monica^^ Thanks for your writing!
I agree with you! And I hope you could go to a great trip with your friends~*

yapy said...

What a fabulous villa! Vicky I wonder how much you paid for renting that villa and where are your boyfriends? If you went to the beautiful place without boy friends, you should have made them at that time.

Vicky~* said...

I paid about 100$ per day for room.
It was not too expensive becuse we could share. haha. I went to there just with my girl friends...What a sad story..hahah But I must go with my great boyfriend soon!!! I hope.....;;

Anonymous said... it possible??
I don't think so...kkkkkkkkkk

Vicky~* said...

Hey~ bad Kevin!! I know that you wrote it!! So~~~bad!!

Jae CHun said...

wow....too much comment!!!..haha..

what are you doing?....are you looking for a room now??.....
i saw pic....i'm hungry.......ㅜㅜ

Vicky~* said...

Hi-jae chun! I already found a room. It'll be Swako's house. Do you know Sawako? I'm trying to prepare for homework now;; haha
But it's too hard....kk