Tuesday, November 13, 2007

We are making a plan now!

These days I and some of friends who are the same classes as me, we are making a plan for trip after finishing this semester. We want to go to Yellowknife. Have you ever been there? We chose this place because we heard that there was really interesting and the most wonderful scene they've ever seen from teachers and friends. There are the most beutiful Aurora and a few activities. We think maybe this trip would be for three days and we would get a package programe because we think it would be better for us. We found some website it named Aurora Village and it has lots of imformation and activities. If you are iterested you should go to this site. http://www.auroravillage.com/

The Aurora Village says "Aurora Village is fortunate to be located directly under the Aurora Oval, which is one of the best places to see the Aurora Borealis in the world." They have some activities and we want to try absolutely view Aurora and also Tube Slide then Dog Sled. We thought that we would have lots of fun with them! Actually Yellowknife is really freezing place so we have to prepare for warm. If you have any question about Aurora you could ask me whenever ^^

Sunday, November 4, 2007

My the last vacation with my bestfriends♡

I have three people of best friends. Their names are Bo-Ra, Jung-Eun, Jung-A and our friend ship has begun since 1994.
It’s already for more than 14 years…! Before I came to Canada, I went on a trip with my best friends for 2days. It was short, I thought, but we enjoyed and made valuable remembrance a lot. Unfortunately, Jung-Eun couldn’t go together because of her work. We took a bus from Seoul to An-Myon Do for three hours. The An-Myon Do is west of Korea and there are many great villas and a few seas. There is popular by vacation place because you can dig out shellfish when the ebb time at sea then eat, and you can also eat slices of raw. So we chose the An-Myon Do.
We stayed in a villa named “Happy Valley.” The villa was really nice and beautiful especially a room! We loved the room so we took a lot of pictures there. When we arrived the villa we were hungry so we cooked a Kim-Chi fan fried then ate it. Have you tried it? It’s so delicious and it’s a one of my favorite Korean food. I’ll cook for you guys someday. Anyway, then, we went to the seaside for buying shellfish. It was the early spring so we couldn’t into the sea but we were happy because we saw the sea!! We ate the shellfish, pork and sausages with alcohol. I know those were not match but we were hungry a lot. HaHa. Those were extremely delicious so we ate all stuff! The next day we went to the sea once more and came back home. I think vacations are always happy with friends. In this time I’m missing my friends very much…

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween Party~!!^^*

Yesterday, a halloween party was

really fun~!^^

All students enjoyed together.

We ate delicious pizza and drink( I ate 4 pieces of pizza and 3 glasses of drink;; haha),

carved pumpkin ( actually I was little bit late so I didn't. haha) and danced with "the Hot Tamales" band!

Everyone prepared great costumes! The party had lots of fun!

It was a wonderful day, yesterday~*

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Welcome to Vicky's blog~*

I'm glad to make my own blog here.

Would you like to often visit my blog? Ha Ha-